This option has 3 individual modes: Normal Gauge, Hard Gauge and Hell Gauge. If the player depletes the combo gauge to 0.00%, the game will break and announces a failure instantly.
Apply Combo Gauge: Adds the "Combo Gauge" when playing. For me the Ignition Shadow was the harder to control, but Rumble Crusher had the edge over Rapid Phantom. This function is only available in Android. I was able to beat him using the Rumble Crusher. OVERRAPID SETTINGS RUMBLE OFF DOWNLOAD
Lets download OverRapid and enjoy the fun time.
Screen Record: Records the gameplay video and store it into the player's device. Download and play OverRapid android on PC will allow you have more excited mobile experience on a Windows computer.The sound has a difference between in Android and iOS.Clap sound mode: Activates the sound effect when touching the key.The option is now divided to "Line Randomize" and "Note Randomize".The lane of each note will be randomized. Randomize: Shuffles around the lane that note will come down.Sliding between keys to hit the note is disabled. Hard Judgement: Changes judgement area to ☓7.125ms from ☘2.5ms.There are also 19 Removed songs (7 since Closed Beta Test, 12 after Closed Beta Test).
Each profile allows having Anti Recoil adjustments for the Y-Axis and X-Axis for both the Primary. There are now 200 songs in OverRapid: 42 Music Packs (145 songs in all Music Packs), 45 Free songs, 4 Special songs, and 6 Season Challenges songs. Auto Play: Plays the game automatically. The PUBG - Season 17 GamePack Anti Recoil system has been upgraded to support all currently available weapons with much more accurate Anti Recoil patterns and a new Weapon Profile System with 5 Profiles (1 Primary and 1 Secondary per Profile).Fade In/Out: Applies fade in/out effect to notes.
If you completed any chart in certain conditions, you'll get the FULL COMBO (Clear with without any BAD or MISS judged) or MAXX (Clear with only EXCELLENT while FULL COMBO) performance rating.
All rewards will be disabled if a player obtains an F rank. The rewards the player will get may be effected by the grading. The D rank was briefly used in the rating system in the earlier version of OverRapid, but it was discarded in its future update. Each judgement affects the score and combo when playing, and each judgement contributes a different amount of score. Judgements are based on the timing when the note is tapped/held. Scratch Long Note: This note is similar to the Scratch Note, but it requires holding until its end reaches the judgement area. This note comes on the two central keys (3rd and 4th key), and its color is red. Scratch Note: This note requires sliding in any direction. The timing of releasing doesn't affect the judgement. After missing it before pressing and holding it for the first time, it will not be able to accumulate combos again, even pressing after missing it. Combo will accumulate while holding, but the combo will break if the note is lifted before its end reaches the judgement area. Long Note: This note is the similar to the Short Note but it requires holding until its end reaches the judgement area. If they appear simultaneously, they'll appear in silver color. Notes Short Note: This note requires tapping on the keys when it is reaches the judgement line. The two central keys/lanes (3rd, 4th key/lane) also appears Scratch Notes. In 4 Key mode, the position of leftmost and rightmost key are merged to their adjacent key position and are disabled. Crossed parts are now removed from the game.There's 6 or 4 keys/lanes while playing a song, where the notes will approach to the judgement line. NEXT TO THE WORLD (6th Anniversary ver.) įall in Lovescream -Pointless Hardcore Remix. This song can also be found in Phigros and COXETA. Both are capable of tuning their settings in real-time while playing the game. This song is transferred to Lanota in its collaboration with OverRapid. The FPS Master GamePack features an exclusive Weapons Profile Mode that allows you to store different settings for Aim Assist (2 Profiles) and Anti-Recoil (3 Profiles).
This song was first appeared in FRENZ2018 and G2R2018.【OverRapid】 PaleScreen (PRO17) MAXX!!!!!!